If you hear a racist-sounding remark at work, you might want to report it to human resources. HR is on the front line when it comes to reports of racial discrimination and harassment. So, you might expect them to know whether racism is a problem at your workplace.Yet...
Study: Workplace pregnancy bias affects mother’s and baby’s health
Workplace pregnancy discrimination is illegal. Yet, over the last 10 years, more than 50,000 pregnancy discrimination complaints have been filed with the EEOC and state human rights agencies. We know that pregnancy discrimination happens all too often, but a new study...
A Troubling Rise in Discrimination and Harassment toward Asian Americans in the Workplace
Anxiety about COVID-19 has challenged every individual in the U.S., but there has been a troubling rise in hostility and bigotry towards people of Asian descent in the U.S. According to Pew Research, Asian Americans have reported a significant level of discrimination...
CDC provides guidance to help workers safely return to the office
The novel coronavirus pandemic continues to have a profound impact our daily lives. Although COVID-19 is still present and continues to spread, many employers throughout the country are beginning to reopen offices.Can employers safely reopen their offices? The United...
LA enacts Worker Retention and Right of Recall Ordinances
Amid the current global health crisis, more than 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment. National anxiety is, arguably, higher than it has been in decades. How will impacted individuals pay their bills? The concern felt by workers in janitorial, maintenance,...
How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change
For over 40+ years Allred Maroko & Goldberg has stood with the voiceless. We have fought for change to make sure every person is treated with dignity and respect. The unspeakable deaths of George Floyd and other African Americans have resulted in untold pain for...
Federal act temporarily expands employee protections amid COVID-19 crisis
As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to rise in the United State, more and more people are affected each day. Sick employees may be unable to work and earn an income for several weeks. Healthy employees may need to stay home to care for sick loved ones....
Can my employer force me to come into work during a Covid-19 lockdown?
The novel coronavirus (which causes the disease Covid-19) is creating concerns for workers across the country, and in particular New York and California. According to recent reports, the number of coronavirus cases in California has surged past 3,000 cases and New...
Why is racial discrimination now more difficult to prove under Section 1981 claims?
A recent Supreme Court ruling made it more difficult for plaintiffs to win racial discrimination lawsuits. Byron Allen, an African American man, founded the production studio Entertainment Studios Network (ESN) in 1993. In 2014, Allen started negotiating with the...
WeWork faces gender and racial discrimination lawsuit
WeWork has been beset by multiple employment actions that suggest a change in culture is overdue. Claims for gender, racial and pregnancy discrimination have all been filed against the commercial real estate company in recent years. A former human resources...