Until recently, Wells Fargo required all employee claims of sexual harassment to be resolved through arbitration. This means employees are forced to give up their right to file a lawsuit in court and have a jury decide the outcome of their claims. Instead,...
Are women in positions of power more vulnerable to harassment?
A recent study released by the Swedish Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University shows that female supervisors face the highest rates of sexual harassment. Researchers evaluated data taken from female employees across the United States, Sweden and...
California Extends Childhood Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations Effective January 1, 2020
This year, California gave many survivors of childhood sexual assault the opportunity to seek justice. As of January 1, 2020, survivors of abuse have a three-year window to file civil claims that could not be filed under previous laws. The new laws do not impact the...
Uber sexual harassment charges result in $4.4 million payout
Ride-sharing giant Uber is paying for a company culture that repeatedly tolerated sexual harassment. A verdict earlier this month resolves charges brought against the company in 2017 that forces Uber to pay victims from a $4.4 million fund. During the investigation,...
Allred, Maroko & Goldberg obtains close to $65 million in two verdicts against billionaire entrepreneur
In one of the largest verdicts ever for an employment sexual harassment case, won a $58.25 million verdict on behalf of Mahim Khan- $50 million in punitive damages and $8.25 million in compensatory damages after she suffered battery,...
The City of Beverly Hills faces age discrimination suit
At age 66, Cynthia Brynan had worked for the City of Beverly Hills for decades. Serving as a Senior Recreation Supervisor, Ms. Brynan alleges that she first faced age discrimination once she entered her 60s. Her complaint points to being passed over for promotions,...
Jeffrey Epstein is not the only one who could face charges
Jeffrey Epstein’s name has prominently featured across headlines for the past few months in connection with allegations that he sexual abused under-age girls. Some of those alleged victims are represented by .First, the...
Overlooked industries where sexual harassment runs rampant
We regularly hear news stories of employees suffering sexual harassment in the entertainment, financial and tech industries. And these industries do have a lot of work to do to fix these frequent injustices. However, studies show that women in some less glamorous...
Hair can no longer be used to discriminate against certain races
California recently passed a bill that prevents employers and schools from discriminating against an individual based on their natural hair type, texture or style. Hair styles tend to be closely tied to race. Therefore, discriminating against a certain hair type...
Greyhound Lines was sued for religious discrimination
A Muslim woman applied for a bus driver position with Greyhound Lines. During the interview, she told the interviewer that she would need to wear an ankle-length overgarment (abaya) as well as a headscarf to comply with her religious beliefs.The interviewer told her...