Workplace Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles, CA
Protecting Those Who Have Been Discriminated Against in the Workplace
Employers who make employment decisions based on a person’s characteristics may be liable for discrimination. Too many employees are victims of employment violations disguised as cutbacks, layoffs, and other excuses.
Do I Have a Discrimination Claim?
There are many kinds of discrimination based on protected characteristics under state and federal law. In California, for instance, the most common that give rise to legal claims are:
- Gender/sex at your place of employment
- Pregnancy issues
- Age
- Race/national origin
- Disability and failure to accommodate
- Religious discrimination
- Sexual orientation
- Marital status
At AMG, we have represented victims of discrimination across all of these categories and more. For example, we have represented African-Americans who were not promoted based on their race, women who were fired as soon as they told their employers they were pregnant, and older workers who were terminated because their employer considered them too old.
Our firm has been recognized for serving the interests of the LGBTQ community. We have spent 40 years advocating on behalf of LGBTQ rights. In one of our most historic victories, AMG successfully challenged the constitutionality of Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California.
What Is Sexual Orientation Discrimination?
Many state laws, including those of California and New York, prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Examples of violations include:
- Firing, not hiring or not promoting an individual because he or she is transgender, gay, lesbian or bisexual
- Firing an employee who has made a gender transition
- Not allowing an employee to use a restroom that corresponds to his or her gender identity
- Providing lower salary or denying health insurance benefits
- Using derogatory terms or remarks
AMG has a stellar record fighting for the rights of LGBTQ community members. Among our many substantial victories for victims of sexual orientation discrimination, some notable examples include a large prelitigation settlement on behalf of a gay male employee whose co-workers drew graphic images of genitalia in the workplace, and used demeaning anti-gay slurs, as well as on behalf of a homosexual employee coerced into having sexual intercourse with a supervisor.
What Is Racial Discrimination?
Race discrimination is differential treatment based on skin color or race. Examples of race discrimination include:
- Not being hired or not being promoted because of your race
- Termination due to your race, including termination after your employer makes racial comments about your racial group
- Bad performance reviews motivated by hostility to your race
- Negative comments about your racial group
We have obtained many high-figure settlements for victims of racial discrimination, including a substantial settlement on behalf of a group of employees who were subjected to racial slurs, demeaning comments, and comparatively unfavorable work conditions based on race.
What Is National Origin Discrimination?
National origin discrimination is differential treatment based on an individual’s country of origin in interviewing, hiring, hours pay, or any other aspect of employment. Evidence of a national origin discrimination claim can include something as simple as treating an employee or job applicant differently based on his or her accent.
It is also illegal for employers to discriminate against employees based on their citizenship or immigration status. Employers are prohibited from basing hiring, firing, promotion and recruitment decisions on an employee’s immigration status or whether he or she is a citizen, unless government contracts or regulations require a U.S. citizen for the position.
We have also obtained many high-figure settlements for victims of national origin and immigration status discrimination such as on behalf of a Filipino nurse and a group of Latino who were denied promotions because of their national origin, as well as a Vietnamese technology worker who was terminated for complaining about his co-worker’s derogatory comments about his Vietnamese heritage.
What Is Religious Discrimination?
Religious discrimination occurs when an employee is treated unfairly due to their religious beliefs or practices. Under California law and federal laws, employers are prohibited from engaging in actions that constitute unlawful discrimination against employees on the basis of religion. Employers must reasonably accommodate employees’ religious practices unless doing so would cause undue hardship.
Examples of religious discrimination in the workplace include:
- Denying time off for religious holidays or observances
- Prohibiting religious attire, such as hijabs, turbans, or yarmulkes
- Harassing employees based on their religion
- Refusing to hire or promote someone because of their religious beliefs
Victims of religious discrimination can file workplace discrimination claims or lawsuits to seek justice and compensation for damages. If you believe you have been subjected to religious discrimination, consulting with Los Angeles discrimination lawyers can help you navigate the process of pursuing a workplace discrimination case under applicable discrimination laws.
Age and Pregnancy Discrimination
Age and pregnancy discrimination are significant issues in the workplace that affect a wide range of employees. California law and federal statutes, such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), protect individuals from unfair treatment due to their age or pregnancy status.
Age discrimination occurs when employers treat employees or job applicants unfavorably because of their age, typically targeting those 40 and older. Examples include:
- Refusing to hire older candidates despite their qualifications
- Making negative remarks about an employee’s age or ability to adapt
- Forcing older employees into retirement
- Denying promotions or training opportunities to older workers
In pregnancy discrimination cases, employers unlawfully treat pregnant employees or job applicants differently. Common examples include:
- Firing or demoting an employee after learning about their pregnancy
- Denying reasonable accommodations, such as modified duties or additional breaks
- Refusing to hire a candidate because of their pregnancy
- Penalizing employees for taking maternity leave
At AMG, we have successfully represented clients in workplace discrimination claims involving both age and pregnancy discrimination. Our attorneys understand the challenges of proving these cases and are experienced in gathering the necessary evidence to hold employers accountable. If you’ve experienced such discrimination, our Los Angeles discrimination lawyers can help you seek justice through a discrimination lawsuit and ensure your rights are protected under discrimination laws.
Common Examples of Workplace Discrimination in Los Angeles
Workplace discrimination takes many forms and can occur at any stage of employment, from hiring to termination. Examples of workplace discrimination include:
- Refusing to hire a qualified candidate due to their race, gender, religion, or military or veteran status
- Denying promotions to employees of a certain national origin
- Assigning less favorable job duties to employees based on disability or age
- Retaliating against employees who file employment discrimination claims or report workplace harassment
- Allowing a hostile work environment where slurs, derogatory comments, or offensive jokes are directed at employees
Each workplace discrimination claim is unique, and victims must meet specific criteria to file a discrimination lawsuit. An experienced attorney, such as those at AMG, can help determine whether you have a viable workplace discrimination case under California law or federal statutes.
How Can We Help You?
We have a thorough understanding of the laws that govern these civil rights violations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Equal Pay Act (EPA), and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) as well as corresponding state statutes.
At Allred, Maroko & Goldberg, our attorneys are well-known to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and other state agencies. We are respected for our aggressive, yet honest, representation of clients in valid discrimination claims. We only take on cases where there has been a clear violation of employment or civil rights.
Contact Us to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation
The criteria for pursuing a discrimination claim is complex and confusing. It involves filing deadlines and strict documentation procedures that must be observed at all times. Please speak with one of our attorneys before proceeding with your claim. Call our Los Angeles office at 323-746-1853 or our New York office at 646-992-2184 or contact us online.