Employee Harassment Attorney in Los Angeles, CA
Protecting Those Who Have Been Harassed in the Workplace
An employee who is mistreated on the basis of his or her protected characteristics by state or federal law may have a harassment claim against his or her employer.
Do I Have a Harassment Claim?
In order for harassment to be considered illegal, it must be based on at least one protected characteristic recognized under federal or state law. These include:
- Gender/sex
- Pregnancy
- Age
- Race/national origin
- Disability
- Religion
- Sexual orientation
- Marital status
At AMG, we have represented numerous victims of illegal harassment based on a variety of characteristics. For example, we have represented many women subjected to unwelcome touching by supervisors, employees taunted for their actual or perceived mental or physical disabilities, and employees who were bullied for their sexual orientation or for their gender identity.
Contact Us to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation
Harassment can be subtle and complex depending on frequency and intensity of the harassment and the identity of the harasser. Please speak with one of our attorneys before proceeding with your claim. Call our Los Angeles office at 323-746-1853 or our New York office at 646-992-2184 or contact us online.